Product Updates

Find a list of the latest updates and improvements made to various tools and services offered by Acuity Trading.

Posts about API & Data:

Introducing Customizable Decimal Precision in Our Financial Instruments

We are pleased to announce a long-awaited enhancement to our suite of financial tools with the addition of a customizable Decimals field for all covered instruments. This new feature is designed to empower brokers with greater control over how instrument prices are displayed, ensuring precision that aligns with their specific requirements.

Expanding Our Reach: Hindi Language Support Now Available in Signal Centre and AnalysisIQ

Expanding Our Reach: Hindi Language Support Now Available in Signal Centre and AnalysisIQ

We are delighted to announce a significant update to our Signal Centre and AnalysisIQ tools: the addition of Hindi language support. This enhancement is part of our commitment to broadening our reach and strengthening our presence in key markets, particularly in India and across Asia.

Improvements in linking instruments to events in Acuity Calendars

When Economic Event data is released, it affects various instruments to varying extent. Previously we usually attached affected instruments to the events using the instrument country, for example, if there is US Economic Data released, it would affect US indices, currencies with US Dollar etc.