
The benefits of taking a third party service from an FCA regulated entity

Written by Acuity Trading | May 17, 2023 2:58:00 PM


By using a third-party service from an FCA regulated entity, the client can ensure that the firm is complying with relevant regulations and standards. The FCA regulates financial services firms in the UK and sets standards for how they must conduct their business. By using a third party service that is already FCA regulated, the client can ensure that they are meeting these standards without having to invest significant resources into compliance.



An FCA regulated entity has demonstrated that they meet certain standards of professionalism and quality, and this can reflect positively on the client that uses their services. By associating themselves with an FCA regulated entity, the online broker can demonstrate to clients and partners that they are committed to high standards of service and compliance.


Access to expertise:

Third party service providers that are FCA regulated are likely to have significant expertise in their field. By using their services, the online broker can benefit from this expertise without having to build it in-house. This can save time and resources and can also ensure that the online broker is benefiting from the most up-to-date knowledge and best practices.


Reduced Risk:

By using a third-party service from an FCA regulated entity, the online broker can reduce the risk of fraud or other malfeasance. FCA regulated entities are subject to strict oversight and must follow rigorous standards for risk management and control. By using a third-party service that is already subject to these standards, the online broker can reduce the risk of loss or reputational damage.

Find out more information on the regulation status of PIA First / Signal Centre